[MacOS X][ファイルメーカーPro mobile]

彼が日本に来ると必ずといっていいほど秋葉原に行く、うん。 今回はPalm搭載機用のファイルメーカーPro mobileを買って喜んでいたのだが、翌日「お〜い、俺のPowerBookにインストール出来ない、なんでだろ?」というお約束の電話が...

まさかとは思ったのだが、どうやらMacOS Xのバージョン違いが原因だったみたいだ。
私が使っているのはMacOS 10.2.8搭載機、彼が使っているのはMacOS X 10.3.x



なんかなぁ、 I just find it hard to believe that a package like FileMaker Pro mobile would fail to install. It's not as they didn't test the installation procedures, is it?? On the other hand, given the number of problems that occur on Windows NT/2000/XP systems which can be tracked down to access permissions, maybe MacOS X did join the rest of the computer population in that it's suffering from similar ailments that affect Microsoft packages.

Well, hopefully, that article at versiontracker will resolve the damn problem for him....

So, anyone know of a way of extracting a PCM audio track from a concert DVD into an iPod? I found a way of getting it into an iPod via an MPEG4 movie but I'm looking for a PCM ->AIFF/WAVE file conversion method that is known to work on MacOS X systems.